Voluntary meetings on the coordination of support for the implementation of activities referred to in Decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70 (REDD+)

The COP, in its decision 10/CP.19, encouraged national entities or focal points, Parties and relevant entities financing REDD+ activities to meet on a voluntary basis to address the needs and functions related to the coordination of support for the implementation of the activities and elements related to REDD+, as identified in paragraph 3 of this decision.

Nominated national entities / focal points are listed on the country pages on the REDD+ Web Platform.

4th Voluntary Meeting (May 2017)

The fourth voluntary meeting on the coordination of support for the implementation of REDD+ activities took place on Saturday, 13 May 2017, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Bonn, Germany. It was co-facilitated by Mr. Ayman Cherkaoui, COP22/CMP12 Presidency (Morocco) and Mr. Samuela Vakaloloma Lagataki, COP23/CMP13 Presidency (Fiji).

The Agenda for this meeting can be found here.

Presentations of the meeting:

Part I: Financing entities

Part II: Countries

Part III: Other stakeholders

Statements by other stakeholders

The summary of the key outcomes from this meeting by the co-facilitators can be found here.

3rd Voluntary Meeting (May 2016)

The third voluntary meeting on the coordination of support for the implementation of REDD+ activities took place on Monday, 23 May 2016, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Bonn, Germany. This voluntary meeting was held in conjunction with the meetings of the subsidiary bodies (SB44). It was co-facilitated by Mr. Paul Watkinson, COP 21/CMP 11 Presidency (France) and H.E. Ambassador Aziz Mekouar, COP 22/CMP 12 Presidency (Morocco).

The agenda for this meeting can be found here.

Presentations of the meeting:

Video on the coordination of support for REDD+ implementation

The video features the COP/CMP Presidencies and several participants at the voluntary meeting highlighting efforts to make REDD+ work at scale and significantly reduce forest-based emissions as well as contribute to accelerating pre-2020 action.

The summary of the key outcomes from this meeting by the co-facilitators can be found here.

2nd Voluntary Meeting (June 2015)

The second voluntary meeting on the coordination of support for the implementation of REDD+ activities took place on Monday, 8 June 2015, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Bonn, Germany. This voluntary meeting was held in conjunction with the meetings of the subsidiary bodies (SB42). It was co-facilitated by H.E. Ambassador Antonio Garcia Revilla, COP 20/CMP 10 Presidency (Peru) and Mr. Paul Watkinson, COP 21/CMP 11 Presidency (France).

The summary of the key outcomes from this meeting by the co-facilitators can be found here.

1st Voluntary Meeting (December 2014)

The first voluntary meeting of REDD+ national entities or focal points, Parties, relevant entities financing REDD+ activities and other relevant stakeholders took place on 8 December in Lima, Peru. It was co-facilitated by H.E. Ambassador Antonio Garcia Revilla, COP 20/CMP 10 Presidency (Peru) and Mr. Tomasz Chruszczow, COP 19/CMP 9 Presidency (Poland).

The meeting was attended by Parties, their REDD+ focal points and other relevant stakeholders, including civil society, indigenous peoples groups, entities financing and/or implementing REDD+, intergovernmental organizations and UN agencies.

The summary of the key outcomes from this meeting by the co-facilitators can be found here.