
A system for providing information on how the safeguards are being addressed and respected is one of the elements to be developed by developing country Parties implementing REDD+ activities (according to paragraph 71 of decision 1/CP.16). The COP recognized the importance and necessity of adequate and predictable financial and technology support for developing such safeguards information systems.

The following safeguards should be promoted and supported when implementing REDD+ activities:

  1. That actions complement or are consistent with the objectives of national forest programmes and relevant international conventions and agreements;
  2. Transparent and effective national forest governance structures, taking into account national legislation and sovereignty;
  3. Respect for the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples and members of local communities, by taking into account relevant international obligations, national circumstances and laws, and noting that the United Nations General Assembly has adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
  4. The full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders, in particular indigenous peoples and local communities, in the actions referred to in paragraphs 70 and 72 of this decision;
  5. That actions are consistent with the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity, ensuring that the actions referred to in paragraph 70 of this decision are not used for the conversion of natural forests, but are instead used to incentivize the protection and conservation of natural forests and their ecosystem services, and to enhance other social and environmental benefits, taking into account the need for sustainable livelihoods of indigenous peoples and local communities and their interdependence on forests in most countries, reflected in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as the International Mother Earth Day.
  6. Actions to address the risks of reversals;
  7. Actions to reduce displacement of emissions.

Taking into account national circumstances and respective capabilities, and recognizing national sovereignty and legislation, relevant international obligations and agreements, and respecting gender considerations, the safeguards information systems should provide transparent and consistent information that is accessible by all relevant stakeholders and updated on a regular basis. The systems should build upon existing systems, be implemented at the national level and also be transparent and flexible to allow for improvements over time.

Developing country Parties implementing REDD+ activities should periodically provide a summary of information on how the safeguards are being addressed and respected. This summary should be included in national communications or be provided, on a voluntary basis, via the REDD+ Web Platform.

The provision of the most recent summary of information on how the safeguards are being addressed and respected is one of the requirements in order to be eligible for results-based payments in accordance with decision 9/CP.19, and the summary should also be provided in the Lima REDD+ Information Hub.

Most relevant COP decisions: 1/CP.16, 12/CP.17, 12/CP.19, 17/CP.21