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Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI)

Submissions made by the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI)

Published: November 2012
Submitted: January 2023


This Cookbook is an easy-to-understand technical manual which provide basic knowledge and techniques required for REDD-plus with the main focus on the forest carbon monitoring methods. It comprises of four parts: "Introduction", "Planning", "Technical", and "Reference Guide". "Introduction" is designed for the policy makers and their partner organizations working for the introduction of REDD-plus at national/sub-national level, "Planning" is intended for the planners and managers of REDD-plus implementing organizations/ countries working on REDD-plus at national/sub-national level, and "Technical" for the experts who work on the REDD-plus activities at national/sub-national level.

French External link

Published: November 2012
Submitted: January 2023


This Cookbook is an easy-to-understand technical manual which provide basic knowledge and techniques required for REDD-plus with the main focus on the forest carbon monitoring methods. It comprises of four parts: "Introduction", "Planning", "Technical", and "Reference Guide". "Introduction" is designed for the policy makers and their partner organizations working for the introduction of REDD-plus at national/sub-national level, "Planning" is intended for the planners and managers of REDD-plus implementing organizations/ countries working on REDD-plus at national/sub-national level, and "Technical" for the experts who work on the REDD-plus activities at national/sub-national level.

English External link

Published: November 2012
Submitted: January 2023

REDD-plus Libro de Recetas

This Cookbook is an easy-to-understand technical manual which provide basic knowledge and techniques required for REDD-plus with the main focus on the forest carbon monitoring methods. It comprises of four parts: "Introduction", "Planning", "Technical", and "Reference Guide". "Introduction" is designed for the policy makers and their partner organizations working for the introduction of REDD-plus at national/sub-national level, "Planning" is intended for the planners and managers of REDD-plus implementing organizations/ countries working on REDD-plus at national/sub-national level, and "Technical" for the experts who work on the REDD-plus activities at national/sub-national level.

Spanish PDF 8.45 MB