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Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF)

Submissions made by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF)

Published: October 2021
Submitted: January 2023

Turning the tide on deforestation Flagship initiatives of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.

This brochure presents flagship initiatives and programmes designed by members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests to contribute to the common goal formulated by UN Secretary-General António Guterres of “turning the tide on deforestation”. The brochure reaffirms the call by leaders at UNFCCC COP26 for action to accelerate efforts to halt deforestation. The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), made up of 15 international organizations, is accelerating efforts to halt deforestation globally. Turning the tide on deforestation within the next decade is crucial to achieve the 1.5 degree Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement, and to tackle not only the climate crisis, but also those of biodiversity loss and pollution. Forests have massive potential for climate change mitigation, but this can only be realized by reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, while at the same time storing carbon from the atmosphere through conservation, restoration and sustainable forest management, as called for in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement. Billions of people depend directly on forests and the services they provide. An estimated 2.4 billion people alone rely on fuelwood, including charcoal, for cooking and boiling water.

English External link

Published: October 2021
Submitted: January 2023

CPF Statement: Challenges and opportunities in turning the tide on deforestation

This Joint Statement of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests presents sound scientific facts and figures around the current status of deforestation and the multidimensional services provided by forests. It also aims to support countries and other key stakeholders to address the issue. The statement builds on the outcomes and recommendations of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests International Conference “From Aspiration to Action – working together to halt deforestation and increase forest area” held in 2018.

English External link

Published: November 2020
Submitted: January 2021

COVID 19 statement

Collaborative Partnership on Forests urges to turn the historic challenge of COVID-19 into an opportunity for forestry and sustainability

English PDF 4.46 MB

Published and submitted: January 2021

Events organized by CPF members

CPF members maintain individual calendar of events. Events organized by CPF members can be accessed at this link.

English External link

Published and submitted: June 2020

GFEP report on Forests and Poverty: Introducing the lead authors

1. Get to know the panel members of the Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests and Poverty 2. Find out more about this latest report by the GFEP.

English External link

Published and submitted: July 2013

An Operational Framework for Defining and Monitoring Forest Degradation

Thompson, I. D., M. R. Guariguata, K. Okabe, C. Bahamondez, R. Nasi, V. Heymell, and C. Sabogal. 2013. An operational framework for defining and monitoring forest degradation. Ecology and Society 18(2): 20.

English PDF 640.62 KB