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Steel Wood Industries

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Forests are vital for continued life of species on the globe. The increase in demands on lumber has driven businesses to engage in deforestation of “the” vital “earth-lungs”, the forests, to cover the proportional increase in population favoring human habitats whilst ignoring the fundamental habitats of other species (plants, animals, microorganisms etc.). Furthermore, forests contribute to rain thus covering water shortages across earth; major forest-fires and deforestations have interfered with the global water-cycle balance.Additionally, forests deliver a fundamental role in the synthesis of oxygen naturally utilizing one of forests main function, photosynthesis, which allows for providing continued balance of oxygen to carbon dioxide ratio within the atmosphere. Suffocation is not only the absence of oxygen but also the increased concentration of carbon dioxide thus the ration of oxygen/carbon dioxide is vital for species life*. Needless to say, carbon dioxide within the atmosphere has proven to be the main contrinutorcontributor to global warming and climate change* resulting in increacedincreased earth temperature melting Artic and AntarticAntarctic ice raising sea levels threatening coastal floods worldwide*. Carbon dioxide is a major reactant of photosynthesis; trees engage in the natural carbon dioxide carbon producing sugars and oxygen;. consequently, forestation and afforestation play a major role in natural direct capturing of human-incuded carbon dioxide in our current industrial era. Stringent international legislations have set regulations and policies to control deforestation globally. However, it is difficult to enforce such legislations globally especially when economics and demand compete with environment.

In the realization of the summary above, Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) has scientifically tackled the above variables formulating a new wood type SDB which benefits from recycling 100% post-consumer random mix of waste wood species into a unique and homogeneous panel with revolutionary mechanical properties*. The abundance of waste wood globally is enormous; a methodical employment of such “burden” to the environment and +GHG’s in landfills has transformed the above mentioned into “beige gold” raw material, a requirement for SDB production Steel Wood Density Board (SDB) is an environmental-friendly composite-wood material type, composted of 100% post-consumer recycled random mix of wood species including SDB waste panels (excluding MDF). Trees are not to be cut to manufacture SDB as the “raw material” has to be 100% unusable wood residues and waste wood. Should there be a “non-environmental tree” proven and justified by international norms, the manufacturer should not engage in trimming and cutting of the tree and a third party needs to be engaged in such an operation to maintain the chain of custody requirements enforced by the FSC certification body or similar.(by insert definition from APA as quote unquote and keep reference definition). This employment of Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) technology not only allows for saving almost 6-equivalent trees per unit manufactured vs. conventional panel production (tree crown and roots are panel-production compatible thus wasted and contribute to 51% of the total tree*; the remaining 49% timber has 50% water and bark waste*; the actual yield of production is estimated at around 25%; fuel is needed to evaporate water from timber further dropping actual yield of tree for production). These “saved-tree equivalence” naturally capture carbon, secure species habitats, contribute to humidity i.e. rain cycle, synthesize oxygen etc. at no cost to human economy.

The business model of Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) provides a lucrative model that attracts non-environmentalists and environmentalists equally while saving virtual forests worldwide! Excessively abundant waste wood globally (construction waste residuals, end of cycle pallets, furniture etc.) protect “virtual forests” minimizing necessity of deforestation for lumber. Waste wood that would end up in landfills or burned for energy is reused and recycled into SDB thus transforming a +GHG byproduct to a net -GHG SDB industry covering demands.

Operating from the desert dunes of the UAE, Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) ) pilot plant is fully functional without cutting a single tree.* (our website). The absence of forests in the GCC is a major proof that this model is independent of the presence of forests; Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) main raw material is post-consumer wood waste (construction waste residuals and other wood waste) prior entering landfills. The cutting-edge technology invented by Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) produces dual valuable commodities; wooden panels to cover demand and carbon dioxide for carbon trade. From a 125cbm/day a total of -1,000,000 MTCO2E/annum as RMU units under the LULUCF are equivalent to roughly 1,300,000 Acres of US forests per annum; i.e. the recycling of post-consumer wood SDB can be considered as saving this equivalent of virtual forests per year anywhere on the globe. Steel Wood Industries FZCO’sFZCO;s objective is to have a multitude of “scaled” sites across the globe contributing cumulatively and effectively to global -GHG efforts and technologies.

Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) has nomenclatured this carbon method as the Natural Economic Direct Carbon Capture System (NEDCCS). The prevention of deforestation allows for 6-equivalent trees to do natural carbon capture of carbon dioxide saving global forests providing economical temptations for not only for investorsenvironmental investors targeting global SDG’s and committed to the Paris Agreement but also to profit-driven non-environmentalists to participate in investments around every municipality globally. Humans and species, especially in the post-covid-19 era, are in great need for clean and fresh breathable air allowing nature to do its natural correction of man-made Anthropocene. As for the economics, a dual commodity model, panel and carbon dioxide, would encourage joint ventures and investment to copy-cat the technology internationally. This NEDCCS, the Sswistainable model, Steel Wood Industries FZCO’s sustainable model, once adopted globally save earth’s breathing lungs across the globe, our forests!

Submissions made by the Steel Wood Industries

Published: November 2019
Submitted: May 2020

Natural Economic Direct Carbon Capture System

Forests are vital for continued life of species on the globe. The increase in demands on lumber has driven businesses to engage in deforestation of “the” vital “earth-lungs”, the forests, to cover the proportional increase in population favoring human habitats whilst ignoring the fundamental habitats of other species (plants, animals, microorganisms etc.). Furthermore, forests contribute to rain thus covering water shortages across earth; major forest-fires and deforestations have interfered with the global water-cycle balance. Additionally, forests deliver a fundamental role in the synthesis of oxygen naturally utilizing one of forests main function, photosynthesis, which allows for providing continued balance of oxygen to carbon dioxide ratio within the atmosphere. Suffocation is not only the absence of oxygen but also the increased concentration of carbon dioxide thus the ration of oxygen/carbon dioxide is vital for species life. Needless to say, carbon dioxide within the atmosphere has proven to be the main contributor to global warming and climate change resulting in increased earth temperature melting Artic and Antarctic ice raising sea levels threatening coastal floods worldwide. Carbon dioxide is a major reactant of photosynthesis; trees engage in the natural carbon dioxide carbon producing sugars and oxygen; consequently, forestation and afforestation play a major role in natural direct capturing of human-incuded carbon dioxide in our current industrial era. Stringent international legislations have set regulations and policies to control deforestation globally. However, it is difficult to enforce such legislations globally especially when economics and demand compete with environment. In the realization of the summary above, Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) has scientifically tackled the above variables formulating a new wood type SDB which benefits from recycling 100% post-consumer random mix of waste wood species into a unique and homogeneous panel with revolutionary mechanical properties. The abundance of waste wood globally is enormous; a methodical employment of such “burden” to the environment and +GHG’s in landfills has transformed the above mentioned into “beige gold” raw material, a requirement for SDB production Steel Wood Density Board (SDB) is an environmental-friendly composite-wood material type, composted of 100% post-consumer recycled random mix of wood species including SDB waste panels (excluding MDF). Trees are not to be cut to manufacture SDB as the “raw material” has to be 100% unusable wood residues and waste wood. Should there be a “non-environmental tree” proven and justified by international norms, the manufacturer should not engage in trimming and cutting of the tree and a third party needs to be engaged in such an operation to maintain the chain of custody requirements enforced by the FSC certification body or similar. This employment of Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) technology not only allows for saving almost 6-equivalent trees per unit manufactured vs. conventional panel production (tree crown and roots are panel-production compatible thus wasted and contribute to 51% of the total tree; the remaining 49% timber has 50% water and bark waste; the actual yield of production is estimated at around 25%; fuel is needed to evaporate water from timber further dropping actual yield of tree for production). These “saved-tree equivalence” naturally capture carbon, secure species habitats, contribute to humidity i.e. rain cycle, synthesize oxygen etc. at no cost to human economy. The business model of Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) provides a lucrative model that attracts non-environmentalists and environmentalists equally while saving virtual forests worldwide! Excessively abundant waste wood globally (construction waste residuals, end of cycle pallets, furniture etc.) protect “virtual forests” minimizing necessity of deforestation for lumber. Waste wood that would end up in landfills or burned for energy is reused and recycled into SDB thus transforming a +GHG byproduct to a net -GHG SDB industry covering demands. Operating from the desert dunes of the UAE, Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) pilot plant is fully functional without cutting a single tree. The absence of forests in the GCC is a major proof that this model is independent of the presence of forests; Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) main raw material is post-consumer wood waste (construction waste residuals and other wood waste) prior entering landfills. The cutting-edge technology invented by Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) produces dual valuable commodities; wooden panels to cover demand and carbon dioxide for carbon trade. From a 125cbm/day a total of -1,000,000 MTCO2E/annum as RMU units under the LULUCF are equivalent to roughly 1,300,000 Acres of US forests per annum; i.e. the recycling of post-consumer wood SDB can be considered as saving this equivalent of virtual forests per year anywhere on the globe. Steel Wood Industries FZCO’s objective is to have a multitude of “scaled” sites across the globe contributing cumulatively and effectively to global -GHG efforts and technologies. Steel Wood Industries FZCO (Dubai Branch) has nomenclatured this carbon method as the Natural Economic Direct Carbon Capture System (NEDCCS). The prevention of deforestation allows for 6-equivalent trees to do natural carbon capture of carbon dioxide saving global forests providing economical temptations not only for environmental investors targeting global SDG’s and committed to the Paris Agreement but also to profit-driven non-environmentalists to participate in investments around every municipality globally. Humans and species, especially in the post-covid-19 era, are in great need for clean and fresh breathable air allowing nature to do its natural correction of man-made Anthropocene. As for the economics, a dual commodity model, panel and carbon dioxide, would encourage joint ventures and investment to copy-cat the technology internationally. This NEDCCS, the Swistainable model, Steel Wood Industries FZCO’s sustainable model, once adopted globally save earth’s breathing lungs across the globe, our forests!

English PDF 1.39 MB