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Papua New Guinea
Reporting to the UNFCCC
Date (Year) | Results (t CO2 eq/year) |
Assessed forest reference level (t CO2 eq/year) |
Links to documentation |
2014 |
3,957,412 |
43,369,737 |
Technical annex on REDD+ results to Papua New Guinea first BUR Submission on proposed reference level Modified submission on proposed reference level |
2015 |
5,045,902 |
45,049,344 |
2016 |
13,777,302 |
46,728,951 |
Technical annex on REDD+ results to Papua New Guinea second BUR Submission on proposed reference level Modified submission on proposed reference level |
2017 |
24,394,158 |
48,408,557 |
2018 |
23,169,695 |
50,088,164 |
2023 | - |
40,518,579 |
Submissions provided by Papua New Guinea
Submitted: January 2021
Safeguard Information System Framework Document for Papua New Guinea
The objectives of PNG’s SIS are to outline the framework for the Safeguard Information System (SIS) of the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG). This document outlines the objectives, functions and institutional arrangements of the SIS, along with the identification of SIS information needs and relevant sources of information.
English PDF 3.24 MB
Submitted: January 2021
Papua New Guinea Summary of Information on how UNFCCC REDD+ Safeguards are being Addressed and Respected
In accordance with the decisions established in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) regarding policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+), hereby the first Summary of Information (SOI) is presented on how safeguards listed in decision 1/CP.16 appendix I, are being addressed and respected in accordance with decisions 12/ CP.17, 12/CP.19, 17/CP.21.
English PDF 3.50 MB
Submitted: April 2018
National REDD+ Strategy
Papua New Guinea National REDD+ Strategy 2017 - 2027
English PDF 4.66 MB