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Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation
Submissions related to Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation
Submitted: October 2023
How much do large-scale and small-scale farming contribute to global deforestation?
The study presented in this document expands on the work conducted during the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) 2020 Remote Sensing Survey (RSS) and revisits the extensive dataset of areas where deforestation occurred over periods 2000–2010 and 2010–2018 to subclassify and assess deforestation drivers. Notably, considering the importance it would have in designing appropriate strategies for halting deforestation, the study assesses the share of agriculture-driven deforestation linked to small-scale and large-scale farming, both for cropping and livestock systems. The goal was not only to further characterize the global deforestation drivers in 2000–2018 but also to identify methods and tools that can help in exploring the deforestation drivers using Earth Observation – by adding more options to the original FRA RSS query and by trying to define subjective characteristics of the activities.
English External link
Submitted: October 2023
The world’s mangroves 2000–2020
This report provides global and regional estimates of the area covered by mangrove forests, including area changes between 2000 and 2020. It analyses the drivers of these global, regional and subregional changes for the periods 2000–2010 and 2010–2020 with the aim of improving understanding of these drivers, their interactions and how their relative importance has shifted over time. In the study that underpins this report, FAO developed and validated an easy, repeatable methodology that integrates remote sensing with local knowledge. An FAO team and 48 image interpreters worldwide collected and analysed data on mangrove area in 2020, change in mangrove area between 2000 and 2020, and the drivers of change over the two decades. It is the first global study of mangrove area to provide information on land use rather than land cover.
English External link
Submitted: October 2023
Unlocking the secrets of mangroves
Where land and sea meet, a unique ecosystem is found: mangrove forests. Whether offering protection from climate change, supporting livelihoods, biodiversity and more, mangroves benefit us all. In the first study of its kind, FAO, with experts around the world, uncovered a wealth of information on the extent of mangrove forests globally, as well a glimpse into what causes mangrove losses and gains. Find out more about this precious ecosystem and see how mangroves affect our daily lives.
English External link
Submitted: October 2023
Estimating emissions and removals from forest degradation: An overview of country experience
This booklet provides an overview of the methodological options available to countries to address these challenges while collecting the emerging experience of dozens of countries that have already reported on emissions from forest degradation internationally. The authors attempt to summarize country experiences in estimating carbon stock changes from forest degradation and their methodological options.
English External link
Submitted: June 2023
Forest Policy, Institutions, and REDD+ in India, Tanzania, and Mexico
This article investigates forest policies and institutions surrounding REDD+ in three heavily forested countries: India, Tanzania, and Mexico. The comparative analysis leads to three key insights. First, each of the case study countries has multiple land tenure statutes that result in different distributions of the costs and benefits of forest protection for key stakeholders. Second, land tenure regimes that offer local communities the most secure forest rights are not necessarily those associated with benefit-sharing mechanisms outlined in national REDD+ policy proposals. Third, a credible commitment by government to share REDD+ benefits with forest-dependent people is contingent on the interests of key actors involved in the policy process. Political and administrative structures that limit the power and authority of forest government bodies lead to more responsive and accountable policy outcomes.
English PDF 179.51 KB
Submitted: January 2023
Turning the tide on deforestation Flagship initiatives of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.
This brochure presents flagship initiatives and programmes designed by members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests to contribute to the common goal formulated by UN Secretary-General António Guterres of “turning the tide on deforestation”. The brochure reaffirms the call by leaders at UNFCCC COP26 for action to accelerate efforts to halt deforestation. The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), made up of 15 international organizations, is accelerating efforts to halt deforestation globally. Turning the tide on deforestation within the next decade is crucial to achieve the 1.5 degree Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement, and to tackle not only the climate crisis, but also those of biodiversity loss and pollution. Forests have massive potential for climate change mitigation, but this can only be realized by reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, while at the same time storing carbon from the atmosphere through conservation, restoration and sustainable forest management, as called for in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement. Billions of people depend directly on forests and the services they provide. An estimated 2.4 billion people alone rely on fuelwood, including charcoal, for cooking and boiling water.
English External link
Submitted: January 2023
CPF Statement: Challenges and opportunities in turning the tide on deforestation
This Joint Statement of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests presents sound scientific facts and figures around the current status of deforestation and the multidimensional services provided by forests. It also aims to support countries and other key stakeholders to address the issue. The statement builds on the outcomes and recommendations of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests International Conference “From Aspiration to Action – working together to halt deforestation and increase forest area” held in 2018.
English External link
SIMFlor Programme
The SIMFlor Programme objective is to promote the implementation of the Brazilian Forest Code, acquiring the rights to Forest Reserve Credits (CRAs) from landholdings that have native vegetation exceeding the minimum area required by the Code (Excess Legal Reserve - ELR), creating an incentive to conserve natural forest, reduce deforestation and protect existing biodiversity. The programme has already secured R$ 1 billion Reais for the implementation of the Forest Code, with an initial focus on the Brazilian Amazon. This will enable the conservation of 500,000 ha of native vegetation (of which, 100,000 ha of excess legal reserve that can be legally deforested) and store 300 MtCO2e in these areas (of which 60 MtCO2e in areas of excess legal reserves). Providing that a landholding meets the Eligibility Criteria of the programme, any landowner can apply for participation in the programme.
English External link
L’objet de l’étude était d’identifier les principaux facteurs de déforestation et de dégradation des forêts au Burkina Faso, et d’analyser les liens entre le niveau de la déforestation/dégradation des forêts (DDF) et les six (6) variables suivantes ciblées comme les principales sources des facteurs directs et indirects de DDF au Burkina Faso: i) les systèmes d’utilisation des terres (SUT) ; ii) l’exploitation minière ; iii) l’expérience des chantiers d’aménagement forestier(CAF) iv); les pratiques d’exploitation des produits forestiers non ligneux ; v) la qualité de la gouvernance forestière ; et vi) les relations socio anthropologiques du corps social à la forêt.
French PDF 4.74 MB
R-PACKAGE: Rapport d’auto-évaluation de la préparation à la REDD+
L’évaluation de la phase de préparation à la REDD+ a été supervisée par le STN/REDD+ et c’est fait à travers les organes de la REDD+ créé aux niveaux communal, régional et national. Ces organes regroupent l’ensemble des parties prenantes à la REDD+ et pendant cinq (05) jours, celles-ci ont appréciées sous le prisme des trente-quatre (34) critères du FCPF et dans différentes régions couvrant les différentes zones agro-écologiques du pays, les progrès de la phase de préparation à la REDD+ du Burkina Faso. Les résultats de l’appréciation ont été synthétisés au niveau régional et au niveau national.
French PDF 10.55 MB
Submitted: October 2022
10+ years of UN-REDD expertise and best practice;
10+ years of UN-REDD expertise and best practice; to the most current topics and knowledge from our broad range of Programme experts.
English External link
Submitted: October 2022
Guía operativa IF3. Programa de silvicultura preventiva con énfasis en la interfaz urbana-rural
El Programa de silvicultura preventiva con énfasis en la interfaz urbana rural, es una de las medidas de acción directas que conforman la actividad de “Fortalecimiento de la gestión en prevención de incendios forestales y restauración de áreas quemadas” en la ENCCRV, y cuyo fin es influir sobre las principales causales de degradación, deforestación/devegetacion y no aumentos de sumideros de carbono que afectan a las formaciones vegetacionales nativas del país.
Spanish PDF 15.88 MB
Submitted: October 2022
Nota Informativa N°29. Programa Nacional de Colaboración de las Naciones Unidas para la Reducción de Emisiones Debidas a la Deforestación y la Degradación Forestal en Chile.
La presente Nota Informativa, expone las directrices, actividades, productos y resultados que se alcanzarán con este Programa, cuya duración hasta el año 2020 permitirá, junto a la sinergia de los aportes de otros cooperantes, generar los insumos claves para suplir las brechas que tiene el país para el desarrollo pleno de la segunda fase de Implementación de la ENCCRV.
Spanish PDF 10.62 MB
Submitted: October 2022
Nota Informativa N°20. Antecedentes para la definición y tratamiento del concepto de degradación forestal en el marco de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV).
El documento describe los Antecedentes para la definición y tratamiento del concepto de degradación forestal en el marco de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV).
Spanish PDF 13.55 MB
Submitted: October 2019
Info Brief Latin America South-South Exchange: Sustainable Livestock and its relationship with forests
The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries, with the support of the Government of Paraguay, represented by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), organized the South-South Exchange “Sustainable livestock and its relationship with forests” from 6 to 7 November in Asunción, Paraguay. The workshop sought to create a space for exchange and dialogue among producers, government institutions, aid agencies, industry, civil society organizations, financial institutions and traders. The objective was to contribute to the analysis of livestock activity, with a particular focus on the meat chain and its link with international climate change goals, commitments and agreements. This info brief gives an overview of the discussions.
English PDF 4.52 MB
Programa de Adaptación para la Gestión de los Recursos Vegetacionales En el marco de cambio climático, desertificación, degradación de las tierras y sequía
Documento que da cuenta de los lineamientos y avances de la medida de acción Programa de Adaptación para la Gestión de los Recursos Vegetacionales En el marco de cambio climático, desertificación, degradación de las tierras y sequía (GA1) de la ENCCRV.
Spanish PDF 13.48 MB
Gira de Campo. Proyectos de Restauración en la Región de Coquimbo con Cooperantes Internacionales y Servicios Públicos vinculados a la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV)
Documento que incorpora una descripción de todas las actividades visitadas durante la gira 2016, además del contexto en el que se circunscriben los proyectos visitados.
Spanish PDF 14.53 MB
Submitted: February 2018
Nota Informativa N°18 Restauración Hidrológica Forestal y Ambiental en el marco de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV) (2017-2025) en las Regiones del Biobío y Los Ríos.
Documento que describe dos proyectos de de Restauración Hidrológica Forestal y Ambiental en el marco de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV) (2017-2025) en las Regiones del Biobío y Los Ríos.
Spanish PDF 14.24 MB
Submitted: February 2018
Nota Informativa 16. Diagnóstico de medios, estándares y actores involucrados en el proceso de comercialización de leña, en el marco de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV)
Documento que describe el diagnóstico de medios, estándares y actores involucrados en el proceso de comercialización de leña, en el marco de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV) por medio de un que permita favorecer la capacidad de detección de prácticas irregulares de producción y el control de canales de comercialización informal del producto, contribuyendo a dar cumplimiento a la medida de acción US.3 Fortalecimiento al programa de dendroenergía y a la matriz energética del país de la ENCCRV.
Spanish PDF 14.62 MB
Submitted: February 2018
Nota Informativa N°15. Proyecto de Restauración de Tierras en la Comuna de Ovalle, Región de Coquimbo en el marco de la fase de implementación de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV) (2017-2025).
El documento describe el Proyecto de Restauración de Tierras en la Comuna de Ovalle, Región de Coquimbo en el marco de la fase de implementación de la ENCCRV, el proyecto busca establecer las bases que permitan el acercamiento a un modelo de inversión para las comunidades y promover la recuperación de los equilibrios ecosistémicos en los sitios de intervención a través de diversas técnicas, la construcción de obras de conservación de suelos, exclusión de animales herbívoros exóticos, forestación y revegetación idealmente con especies nativas y además, efectuar el monitoreo de las acciones en un horizonte de mediano plazo, apoyando el logro de las Metas de Aichi 5.
Spanish PDF 40.65 MB
Submitted: February 2018
Nota Informativa N°13. Sistema de Alerta Temprana (SAT) para la detección de cambios en los recursos vegetacionales de Chile
Nota Informativa sobre el diseño implementación del Sistema de Alerta Temprana (SAT) con énfasis en cambios en la vegetación y su potencial expansión a otras aplicaciones en la gestión de distintos recursos naturales, que se vincula a la Medida de acción transversal MT.7. “Fortalecimiento de los programas de fiscalización forestal y ambiental”, especialmente en el elemento asociado a fortalecimiento de la capacidad institucional de CONAF
Spanish PDF 23.39 MB
Submitted: February 2018
Informative Note N°7. Identification and prioritization of causes for deforestation, devegetation and degradation of vegetation resources and related issues for increasing their cover and quality
Identification and prioritization of causes for deforestation, devegetation and degradation of vegetation resources and related issues for increasing their cover and quality as foundations for the design of the action measures of the National Strategy on Climate Change and Vegetation Resources (ENCCRV).
English PDF 11.81 MB
Submitted: February 2018
Nota Informativa N°7. Identificación y priorización de causas de deforestación devegetación y degradación de los recursos vegetacionales y problemas asociados para aumentar su cobertura y calidad
Identificación y priorización de causas de deforestación devegetación y degradación de los recursos vegetacionales y problemas asociados para aumentar su cobertura y calidad como bases para el diseño de las medidas de acción de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV).
Spanish PDF 23.37 MB
Submitted: February 2018
Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV) CHILE
Documento Marco de la ENCCRV el cual define el objetivo, objetivos específicos, visión, misión establecida para esta. Además, detalla el contexto nacional e internacional en materia de cambio climático y recursos vegetacionales, la propuesta técnica que incluye el detalle de las medidas de medidas de acción y presupuesto para combatir las causales de deforestación, devegetación, degradación de recursos vegetacionales y problemas asociados para aumentar su cobertura y calidad.
Spanish PDF 26.84 MB
Conservação das Florestas para Combater as Mudanças Climáticas
Em dezembro de 2015, com a assinatura do Acordo de Paris, as nações do mundo chegaram a um acordo histórico, abrangente e coletivo para combater as mudanças climáticas. O objetivo principal do acordo no âmbito da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima – CQNUMC (em inglês, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNFCCC) é manter o aumento da temperatura média global abaixo de 2° C em relação aos níveis pré-industriais, buscando esforços para que este aumento não passe de 1,5° C. O referido acordo reconhece o papel fundamental das florestas, incluindo ações para deter e reverter as taxas de desmatamento e de degradação florestal nos países em desenvolvimento, que têm contribuído com até 20% das emissões anuais de gases de efeito estufa. Para ajudar os países nessas ações, o acordo inclui uma estrutura de políticas e de incentivos para reduzir o desmatamento e a degradação florestal e aumentar o armazenamento de carbono nas florestas por meio da conservação e da gestão sustentável, o que inclui ações relacionadas ao REDD+.
Portuguese External link
Conservar los bosques para combatir el cambio climático
En diciembre del 2015, con la firma del Acuerdo de París, las naciones del mundo llegaron a un consenso sobre un enfoque histórico, colectivo y exhaustivo para combatir el cambio climático. El objetivo principal del acuerdo, conforme a la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC), es mantener el aumento de la temperatura media mundial muy por debajo de los 2 °C con respecto a los niveles preindustriales, e intentar limitar el aumento a 1.5 °C. El acuerdo reconoce el papel fundamental de los bosques y de las acciones para detener y revertir la tasa de deforestación y degradación forestal en los países en desarrollo, que han aportado hasta el 20 % de las emisiones anuales de gases de efecto invernadero. Con el fn de ayudar a los países a efectuar estas acciones, el acuerdo incluye un marco de políticas e incentivos para reducir la deforestación y la degradación forestal, y aumentar el almacenamiento de carbono en los bosques mediante la conservación y el manejo sostenible. Este marco se conoce como REDD+.
Spanish External link
Submitted: May 2017
Conserver les forêts pour lutter contre le changement climatique
En décembre 2015, avec la signature de l’Accord de Paris, les pays du monde entier se sont accordés sur une approche historique, collective et complète pour lutter contre le changement climatique. Le principal objectif de l’accord, sous la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique (CCNUCC) est de maintenir la montée de la température moyenne de par le monde bien en-deçà de 2oC au-dessus des niveaux préindustriels et d’essayer de limiter l’augmentation à 1,5oC. Au sein de cet accord se trouve la reconnaissance du rôle essentiel des forêts, y compris des actions visant à arrêter la déforestation et la dégradation de la forêt et à inverser leur rythme dans les pays en développement. La déforestation et la dégradation de la forêt contribuent jusqu’à hauteur de 20% aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Pour accompagner les pays dans ces actions, l’accord inclut un cadre de politiques et d’incitations pour la réduction de la déforestation et de la dégradation de la forêt, ainsi que l’augmentation des stocks de carbone dans les forêts par le biais de la conservation et d’une gestion durable. C’est ce que l’on appelle la REDD+.
French External link
REDD+ Integrado com mercados para atingir as metas do Acordo de Paris
Este artigo propõe uma arquitetura de mercado de carbono que inclua REDD+ integrado a outras atividades não-florestais, baseado em uma estratégia de proteção florestal, produção agropecuária e descarbonização de outros setores da economia – o “REDD+ Integrado”. O objetivo do REDD+ Integrado é de evitar os potenciais efeitos negativos que altos volumes de reduções de emissões de gases efeito estufa (GEE) a custos relativamente baixos poderiam ter em mercados, reduzindo preços e desestimulando outras atividades de redução e captura de GEE em andamento. Por outro lado, a não inclusão de iniciativas de REDD+ em mercados o cumprimento da NDC brasileira, e de outros países tropicais, será mais difícil e muito mais caro. Se bem administrada, no entanto, a inclusão de oferta de REDD+, a preços unitários mais baixos, permitirá a adoção de metas de redução mais ambiciosas envolvendo todos os setores da economia e um fluxo de recursos financeiros para proteção florestal em países tropicais. Por fim, para promover um desenvolvimento rural integrado, sugerimos estabelecer uma complementaridade entre os recursos captados pelo mecanismo de REDD+ destinados à proteção de florestas e os recursos destinados a assegurar a sustentabilidade na paisagem como um todo, ou seja, que considerem outras atividades de uso sustentável do solo tais como, reflorestamento, intensificação da pecuária e agricultura de baixo carbono.
Portuguese PDF 4.34 MB
Integrated REDD+ markets: a financial model to support forest protection, agricultural production and decarbonization efforts
This paper describes the design of a future global carbon market regime that includes REDD+ in its mix, by adopting separate but complementary markets to ensure that forest protection, land use production, and decarbonisation of other economic sectors occur in parallel – an integrated protection, production and decarbonization market – “Integraded REDD+”.¬ The objective of Integrated REDD+ markets is to avoid the potential negative impacts that large volumes of land-use GHG mitigation credits could have by reducing carbon prices to an extent that there would be no financial incentive for promoting investment in industrial improvements, energy efficiency, or renewable energy. At the same time, the inclusion of REDD+ in markets would ensure access to financial incentives to support tropical countries in their efforts related to forest protection and meeting their NDC targets. This could be even more impacting if investments into forest protection were complemented with investment into tackling the drivers of deforestation (predominantly intensification of agriculture to reduce pressure on land) and/or reforestation of sensitive areas. Finally, by including REDD+ in international markets would reduce the average cost of GHG abatement and enable countries/entities/sectors to adopt more ambitious targets.
English PDF 3.96 MB
Submitted: May 2017
Intégration des données de télédétection et d’observation au sol pour l’estimation des émissions et des absorptions de gaz à effet de serre dans les forêts: Méthodes et pratiques recommandées par l’Initiative mondiale pour l’observation des forêts, Versio
Le MGD vise à compléter les orientations du GIEC, les approches adoptées par le programme ONU-REDD, le programme américain Silvacarbon, le FCPF de la Banque mondiale et le cahier de référence GOFC-GOLD en fournissant des conseils basés sur l'expérience accumulée sur l'utilisation conjointe de télécommande Détection et données terrestres, spécifiques aux activités REDD +. Il s'agit de l'édition 2 de la MGD. Il met à jour l'édition 1 (publiée en janvier 2014), en tenant compte des développements récents, y compris des soumissions officielles de niveau de référence REDD + à la CCNUCC, des augmentations de la disponibilité des données et de nouvelles recherches.
French External link
Submitted: May 2017
Integración de las observaciones por teledetección y terrestres para estimar las emisiones y absorciones de gases de efecto invernadero en los bosques: Métodos y Orientación de la Iniciativa Mundial de Observación de los Bosques, Edición 2.0
El MGD pretende complementar las orientaciones del IPCC, los enfoques adoptados por el Programa ONU-REDD, el programa Silvacarbon de los Estados Unidos, el FCPF del Banco Mundial y el libro de fuentes GOFC-GOLD, proporcionando asesoramiento basado en la experiencia acumulada en el uso conjunto del control remoto Sensores y datos basados en tierra, específicos de las actividades de REDD +. Esta es la Edición 2 de la MGD. Se actualiza la Edición 1 (publicada en enero de 2014), teniendo en cuenta los desarrollos recientes incluyendo las presentaciones oficiales de nivel de referencia de REDD + a la CMNUCC, los aumentos en la disponibilidad de datos y las nuevas investigaciones.
Spanish External link
Submitted: May 2017
Integrating remote-sensing and ground-based observations for estimation of emissions and removals of greenhouse gases in forests: Methods and Guidance from the Global Forest Observations Initiative. Edition 2.0.
The GFOI Methods and Guidance Document (MGD) aims to increase mutual understanding between REDD+ policy and technical experts and relevant science communities, to guide the collection of relevant forestry data related to REDD+, and to assist sharing of data and experiences. The MGD aims to complement the guidance from the IPCC, the approaches taken by the UN-REDD Programme, the US Silvacarbon programme, the World Bank FCPF and the GOFC-GOLD Sourcebook by providing advice based on the accumulated experience on the joint use of remote sensing and ground-based data, specific to REDD+ activities. This is Edition 2 of the MGD. It updates Edition 1 (published in January 2014), taking account of recent developments including official REDD+ reference level submissions to the UNFCCC, increases in data availability and new research.
English External link
Submitted: May 2017
Progressively work through the key themes, concepts and actions of REDD+ National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS) for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) gaining access to a suite of GFOI methods and guidance, space data resources, training materials and tools along the way.
English External link
Submitted: February 2017
Best Practices and Considerations for the Development of REDD+ Country Approaches to Safeguards and Design of Safeguard Information Systems
Document developed by CLP and SNV (2016). This document aims to provide guidance and a systematic overview of the different processes and considerations that form the core of Country Approaches to Safeguards (CAS). The broader objective of this document is to provide a framework structure for REDD+ countries seeking to develop their own CAS to respond to the UNFCCC and other international REDD+ safeguard requirements.
English PDF 2.42 MB
Submitted: December 2016
Letter Of Intent (LOI)
Document which set the obligations for both parties, namely DRC and CAFI, in terms of milestones to be complied with by DRC and the necessary funding CAFI will have to provide for the implementation of the DRC National REDD+ Investment Plan
English PDF 259.21 KB
Submitted: December 2016
Lettre d'Intention (LOI)
Document qui détermine les obligations des deux parties, à savoir la RDC et l'Initiative pour les Forêts de l'Afrique Centrale (CAFI), en terme de jalons à atteindre pour la RDC et des financements à assurer par CAFI pour la mise en oeuvre du Plan d'investissement National REDD+
French PDF 270.31 KB
Submitted: December 2016
National REDD+ Investment Plan
Programatic framework translating the National REDD+ Strategy into sectoral activities and key reforms, with project files related to the pilars identified in the National REDD+ Strategy
English PDF 3.08 MB
Submitted: December 2016
Plan National d'Investissement REDD+
Cadre de programmation qui décline la mise en oeuvre de la Stratégie Nationale REDD+, en terme d'activités sectorielles, des politiques et des réformes clés, notamment avec des fiches projets qui sont présentés correspondant aux piliers de la Stratégie.
French PDF 4.53 MB
Submitted: December 2016
Stratégie Nationale REDD+ Appendices
Annexes au Document de la Stratégie Nationale REDD+
French PDF 1.90 MB
Submitted: December 2016
Stratégie Nationale REDD+
Document de référence qui identifie les moteurs directs et indirects de la déforestation et de la dégradation forestière. Il précise la vision du Gouvernement pour un développement économique et social du pays à faible carbone, à l’horizon 2035, centrée sur 7 piliers d’intervention stratégique, dont 3 piliers sectoriels (agriculture, énergie e forêt) et 4 piliers habilitants (gouvernance, aménagement de territoire, reforme foncière et démographie)
French PDF 2.50 MB
Submitted: November 2016
Conserving Forests to Combat Climate Change
In December 2015, the Paris Agreement recognized the critical role of forests in combating climate change. This recognition included actions to halt and reverse the rate of deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, which have contributed up to 20 percent of annual greenhouse gas emissions. To assist countries in these actions, the agreement includes a framework of policies and incentives for reducing deforestation and forest degradation and increasing carbon storage in forests through conservation and sustainable management. This is known as REDD+, a mechanism that has evolved over a decade of discussions, research, and negotiations to become a key piece of the newly adopted climate architecture. The aim of REDD+ is to halt and reverse forest cover and carbon loss in developing countries by helping countries shift to low-emissions development pathways by increasing the value of healthy forests relative to other land uses. Achieving and sustaining the objectives of REDD+ requires the transformation of economic activities within and outside of forests, often referred to as the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation. A solid understanding of REDD+ and the Paris Agreement is needed to accomplish these economic transformations and conserve forests as natural places, carbon stocks, and sustainable resources. This paper describes what REDD+ is, in a manner that is accessible to policy makers, scientists and civil society and in a form that is completely consistent with the UNFCCC decisions and agreements.
English External link
Submitted: November 2016
Jurisdictional Approaches to Zero Deforestation Commodities
Increasing numbers of governments, foundations, NGOs, and companies are looking to jurisdictional scale approaches as ways to help deliver sustainable and deforestation-free agricultural commodities. Jurisdictional approaches to zero-deforestation commodities (JA-ZDCs) lie at the intersection of three existing strategies to reduce forest loss and degradation, along with improving the health and sustainability of rural and frontier economies: landscape approaches, jurisdictional approaches, and voluntary corporate sustainability efforts. These three strategies are increasingly converging. This WWF discussion paper maps the current landscape of why, where, who, and how actors are approaching this convergence, based on more than twenty-five interviews with thought leaders in this space. We find that: - There are at least a few dozen examples of JA-ZDCs; however, most are relatively nascent in their development - These approaches take many different angles – including ’bottom-up‘ multi-stakeholder initiatives, global demand-side signals for commodities produced in reduced-deforestation jurisdictions, and place-based supply-side signals, e.g., in the form of jurisdictional certifications - Though there is a mix of enthusiasm and caution about the potential of JA-ZDCs, most interviewees view them as a challenging but promising development to help drive governments and commodity businesses (especially producers) to the table to establish shared goals and pathways to achieving them Key priorities looking forward will include continued experimentation, innovation, and knowledge sharing from early initiatives; increased opportunities for forest country governments to articulate specifically what they need from private sector actors to achieve sustainable development goals and climate targets; and increased technical work to identify how to scale and/or overlay farm- and plantation-level standards and progress in traceability with jurisdictional approaches that engage governments and incentivize land policy reform and/or implementation more broadly.
English External link
Submitted: February 2016
BOLETÍN DE POLÍTICAS: Incentivos fiscales a la producción agrícola: opciones para forjar una compatibilidad con REDD+
Este Boletín de políticas describe opciones para forjar una compatibilidad entre los incentivos fiscales a la producción agrícola y REDD+.
Spanish PDF 8.32 MB
Submitted: February 2016
Policy Brief: Fiscal incentives for agricultural commodity production: Options to forge compatibility with REDD+
This Policy Brief outlines options for forging compatibility between fiscal incentives for agricultural commodity production and REDD+.
English PDF 8.28 MB
Submitted: February 2016
Info Brief: Banking on REDD+: Can bank and investor risk policies on soft commodities benefit REDD+?
This Info Brief assesses whether and how soft commodity risk policies by banks and investors could potentially benefit UN-REDD countries to achieve REDD+ results based on an analysis of risk policies from a range of financial institutions. This brief has been produced in parallel with a report by UNEP (2015) titled ‘Bank and Investor Risk Policies on Soft Commodities\' that approaches the same topic from the angle of the financial industry, providing greater clarity what criteria banks and investors can adopt in risk policies to reduce the probability of clients having significant impacts on (tropical) forest ecosystems from soy, palm oil and beef production.
English PDF 10.38 MB
Submitted: February 2016
REDD+ Academy Learning Journals
This comprehensive REDD+ learning resource addresses 12 key topics in REDD+: Forest, Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change; Understanding REDD+ and the UNFCCC; Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation; National Strategies and Action Plans; National Forest Monitoring Systems; Forest Reference Emission Levels; Policies and Measures for REDD+ Implementation; REDD+ Safeguards; REDD+ Finance; Approaches for Allocation of Incentives; Stakeholder Engagement; Good Governance.
English, French, Spanish External link
Submitted: December 2015
La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático de 2015 (COP21) es un momento fundamental. Los gobiernos han fijado diciembre de 2015 como plazo para ponerse de acuerdo sobre un nuevo régimen climático para después de 2020.
Spanish External link
Submitted: December 2015
La conférence de l’ONU sur le changement climatique de 2015 qui se tiendra à Paris (COP21) est un moment charnière. Les États se sont fixé comme date limite décembre 2015 pour s’accorder sur un nouveau régime climat pour la période après 2020.
French External link
Submitted: October 2015
Florestas tropicais, mitigação e adaptação às mudanças climáticas
Os países estão buscando formas efetivas de redução da pressão humana que resulta em emissões de gases de efeito estufa, incluindo ações para controlar o desmatamento. \\r\\nHá convergência entre nações quanto a um objetivo comum: retardar, deter e reverter a perda de cobertura florestal e estoques de \\r\\ncarbono associados, considerando as circunstâncias nacionais.
Portuguese External link
Submitted: August 2015
Equity in climate change and REDD+: A handbook for grassroots facilitators
English PDF 1.34 MB
Submitted: August 2015
Equity in climate change and REDD+: A handbook for grassroots facilitators
Khmer PDF 15.81 MB
Submitted: August 2015
Equity in climate change and REDD+: A handbook for grassroots facilitators
Lao PDF 24.04 MB
Submitted: August 2015
Equity in climate change and REDD+: A handbook for grassroots facilitators
Thai PDF 23.96 MB
Submitted: August 2015
Equity in climate change and REDD+: A handbook for grassroots facilitators
Vietnamese PDF 23.91 MB
Considérations techniques relatives à l’établissement de niveaux d’émissions de référence pour les forêts et/ou niveaux de référence pour les forêts dans le contexte de la REDD+ au titre de la CCNUCC
French PDF 3.74 MB
Consideraciones técnicas para la elaboración de Niveles de referencia de emisiones forestales/Niveles de referencia forestales en el marco de la CMNUCC
Spanish PDF 2.99 MB
Decisiones de REDD+ en la CoP19: Alcances en la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales (ENCCRV) de Chile
Spanish PDF 733.49 KB
Submitted: November 2014
Emerging approaches to Forest Reference Emission Levels and/or Forest Reference Levels for REDD+
This publication summarizes Forest Reference Level construction approaches developed by Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, the DRC, Ghana, Guyana, Mexico, Nepal, the RoC and Vietnam; the publication hopes other countries can learn from and get inspired by these pilots in FRL development. The FRLs in the publication are developed for demonstration activities but the Annex to the document also reports on UNFCCC submissions (Publication is intended to be updated with future submissions).
English PDF 4.77 MB
An Operational Framework for Defining and Monitoring Forest Degradation
Thompson, I. D., M. R. Guariguata, K. Okabe, C. Bahamondez, R. Nasi, V. Heymell, and C. Sabogal. 2013. An operational framework for defining and monitoring forest degradation. Ecology and Society 18(2): 20.
English PDF 640.62 KB
Submitted: February 2013
Submission to the UNFCCC on addressing the drivers of deforestation
English PDF 157.74 KB
Submitted: February 2013
Submission to the UNFCCC on REDD+ methodological guidance
English PDF 689.73 KB
Submitted: February 2013
Report on common approaches for reference levels
English PDF 186.59 KB
Submitted: February 2013
Twenty-five success stories: Illustrating ITTO’s 25-year quest to sustain tropical forests
English PDF 6.60 MB
Submitted: February 2013
Twenty-five success stories: Illustrating ITTO’s 25-year quest to sustain tropical forests
Spanish PDF 4.40 MB
Submitted: February 2013
Twenty-five success stories: Illustrating ITTO’s 25-year quest to sustain tropical forests
French PDF 4.24 MB
Submitted: February 2013
Tropical forests and climate change
English PDF 819.49 KB
ITTO’s Thematic Programmes brochure
English PDF 683.19 KB
Submitted: February 2013
REDD+ Forest conservation in developing countries
English, Japanese PDF 3.92 MB
Submitted: January 2013
Policy Brief 10 Innovative Approaches to Land in the Climate Change Solution
English PDF 186.78 KB
Submitted: January 2013
Case Studies: Getting countries MRV-ready, Lessons from Mexico and Guyana
English PDF 5.99 MB
Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation – a Synthesis Report for REDD+ Policymakers
English PDF 3.08 MB
Statement on SBSTA-REDD+
English PDF 198.58 KB
External Policy Brief: UNFCCC-COP18 - Overall Expectations for REDD+
English PDF 155.30 KB
Taking stock of our forests- Global Forest Observations Initiative
English PDF 3.84 MB
Submitted: May 2012
Sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring, measuring and reporting
This sourcebook is the outcome of an ad-hoc REDD working group of GOFC-GOLD (Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics) that has been active since the initiation of the UNFCCC REDD process in 2005. It provides a consensus perspective from the global community of earth observation and carbon experts on methodological issues relating to quantifying carbon impacts of implementation activities to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries (REDD). The Sourcebook is now available under the Doha COP 18 Version. It is to be understood as a living document. Further methods and technical details can be specified and added with evolving political negotiations and decisions. Respective communities are invited to provide comments and feedback to evolve a more detailed and refined technical-guidelines document in the future.
English PDF 7.43 MB
Submitted: September 2011
The REDD Market Should Not End Up a Subprime House of Cards: Introducing a New REDD Architecture for Environmental Integrity
Carbon leakages can wipe away mitigation benefits under REDD achieved in a country. So far no REDD mechanism has been proposed that can separate good credits of true mitigation value from those that could possibly be stained by leakages. The greatest concern of investors in such a market would be the fear of buying goods whose real worth is far less than that paid for, much like the subprime housing crisis of 2008 when good financial products of low risks were bundled with those with high risks and sold as composite products for leveraging, a financial innovation that brought doom to the participating banks. This paper proposes a new REDD Plus architecture that would ensure that instead of every REDD credit becoming suspect the market would discount only those credits that have a higher probability of leakages unless the monitoring system is considered robust enough to allay the fears and would thus be able to ensure environmental integrity by punishing lapses in specific cases. This will also permit simultaneous operation of Fund based mechanism within same national boundaries in distinct geographical areas and enable incorporation of forestry projects under the CDM within the REDD framework.
English PDF 1,009.98 KB
Submitted: September 2011
At the heart of REDD: a role for local people in monitoring forests?
REDD+ implementation challenges include linking remote sensing and national forest inventories of carbon stocks, to local implementation and measuring carbon loss from forest degradation. Community-based forest monitoring can help overcome these challenges. This analysis shows that local people can collect forest condition data of comparable quality to trained scientists, at half the cost. Empowering communities to own and monitor carbon stocks could provide a rapid and cost-effective way of absorbing carbon dioxide emissions, while potentially contributing to local livelihoods and forest biodiversity conservation.
English PDF 172.59 KB
Using carbon as a funding mechanism for conservation; Is REDD+ right for you? An introductory Guide (World Land Trust/ IUCN NL)
This report collates the main outcomes which hopefully will be of use to African NGOs and to a wider audience. The report provides introductions to key issues that we discussed and aims to condense the most useful outcomes from two workshops held in Africa in 2010, focusing on key points raised, questions, barriers and lessons learned from both the trainers and participants’ experiences. One of the key outcomes from these workshops was the realisation of the commitments required from a NGO to fully engage in a REDD+ project and that it is not necessarily suitable for everyone in their present capacity. So how does an organisation know if it is ready to tackle a REDD+ project? What sort of questions do they need to ask themselves? And if they’re not ready, what alternatives are there to help prepare for future engagement?
English External link
Submitted: November 2010
Methodology for estimating reductions of greenhouse gases emissions from frontier deforestation
The Amazonas Sustainable Foundation is a public-private, independent and non-profit, non-governmental institution of public interest and without political party connections. It was founded in December, 2007, by the Amazonas State Government and the Bradesco Bank, according to its bylaws, approved by the State Public Ministry, in the title recorded at civil registry, according to federal and state laws.
English PDF 1.41 MB
Submitted: October 2010
Workshop on biodiversity benefits of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries
A global expert workshop on biodiversity benefits of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD), co-organized by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the UN REDD Programme, was held in Nairobi from 20-23 September 2010. The workshop report and all presentations are now available from the CBD website.
English PDF 588.23 KB
Submitted: July 2010
The Democratic Republic of Congo's REDD+ Potential - Study by the Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Tourism, DRC
English PDF 1.08 MB
Groupe de Travail Climat REDD (GTCR) de la société civile de la République Democratique du Congo - Communiqué de presse sur la mission UN-REDD et FCPF
French PDF 161.14 KB
Submitted: July 2010
Le développement de la stratégie REDD - présentation at séminaire de validation du R-PP
French PDF 2.88 MB
Submitted: July 2010
Analyse exploratoire du potentiel REDD+ de la RDC, présentation
French PDF 3.40 MB
Submitted: July 2010
Rapport du atelier de sensibilisation et consultation des Parties prenantes de la province du Katanga sur le processus REDD en RD Congo tenu a Lubumbashi
French PDF 220.19 KB
Submitted: July 2010
Potentiel REDD+ de la RDC - Ministère de l'Environment, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme, RDC
French PDF 1.24 MB
Submitted: July 2010
ABC REDD - Comprendre REDD et ses enjeux, Réseau Ressources Naturelles (RRN), Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones (DGPA)
French PDF 250.00 KB
Submitted: February 2010
REDD-plus & Biodiversity e-Newsletter Volume 4
English PDF 176.73 KB
Submitted: February 2010
REDD-plus & Biodiversity e-Newsletter Volume 5
English PDF 161.46 KB
REDD-plus & Biodiversity e-Newsletter Volume 8
English PDF 215.21 KB
Interview on the Effectiveness of Protected Areas and Deforestation
Ken Chomitz, Senior Advisor in the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group, highlights his new research findings about protected areas and how they affect deforestation in this interview. Bio of Mr. Chomitz: In his role with the IEG, Ken Chomitz has focused his work on environmental economics. He is the author of "At Loggerheads? Agricultural Expansion, Poverty Reduction and Environment in the Tropical Forests", and one of the authors of the World Bank\'s World Development Report 2001 on sustainable development. He has worked extensively on the causes and consequences of land use change and on climate change. He was previously with the Bank's Development Research Group. Prior to joining the World Bank in 1993, he was a National Research Council Fellow at the US National Academy of Sciences; Assistant Professor of Economics at Boston University; and senior Advisor, Development Studies Project, Jakarta. He holds an undergraduate degree in mathematics from M.I.T. and a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Irvine.
English External link
Submitted: January 2010
Reporting REDD - A Journalist's Guide to the Role of Forests in Combating Global Climate Change
Produced by Panos London as part of the Climate Change Media Partnership, this media pack aims to give journalists an overview of a vital issue in global climate change negotiations. REDD - reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries - is a proposed mechanism to slow the loss of forests, but how it will work in practice is proving controversial, raising complex and emotive issues of national sovereignty, human rights, big money and corruption. The pack outlines the key debates and looks at the possible complexities involved such as the sheer scale of the mechanism, and the difficulties there might be in measuring the amount of carbon being saved.
English PDF 758.80 KB
Submitted: January 2010
Terms of Reference for Developing Capacities for a National Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System to support REDD+ participation of Guyana
The Government of Guyana has embarked on a national programme that aims to protect and maintain its forests in an effort to reduce global carbon emissions and at the same time attract resources to foster growth and development along a low carbon emissions path. The cooperation between the Governments of Norway and Guyana expresses a willingness to work together to provide the world with a relevant, replicable model for how REDD+ can align the development objectives of forest countries with the world's need to combat climate change. The initiative will require the development of capacities for MRV of forest carbon stocks and changes. As an initial step to the implementation of a MRV system for Guyana, a road map for the development of a MRV system for REDD+ participation for Guyana was designed, following a stakeholder participation session. The development of such a road map considered several aspects that were elaborated in a facilitation process and used in the preparation of Terms of Reference for developing a REDD MRV system.
English PDF 1.59 MB
Submitted: December 2009
Investing in REDD-plus, Executive summary of The Forest Dialogue consensus
English PDF 74.06 KB
Submitted: December 2009
Invirtiendo en REDD-plus, Resumen del Consenso del Diálogo Forestal
Spanish PDF 80.85 KB
Submitted: December 2009
Investir dans la REDD-plus, Résumé du consensus atteint par The Forest Dialogue
French PDF 75.73 KB
The History of REDD policy - Kyoto to Copenhagen
A comprehensive summary of the history of REDD policy, from its roots in the Kyoto Protocol, December 1997, to the final meetings of the AWG-LCA and SBSTA before COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. The white paper discusses the genesis of REDD policy and provides an overview of major turning points in the key issues of contention in international REDD policy: -The scope of the definition of reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation; -Carbon Accounting for REDD - Measurement, Reporting and Verification; -The rights of Indigenous People; -Financing options for REDD; -Institutional arrangements - Should REDD be a NAMA or project based.
English PDF 225.84 KB
The Carbon Planet REDDiness index
The Carbon Planet 'REDDiness Index' illustrates a country's preparedness to implement sustainable REDD projects combined with the chances of the successful outcome or a REDD project. This is based on a combination of empirical factors that include: The rate of deforestation; Government policy and planning and Political stability.
English PDF 214.33 KB
The Little REDD+ Book
An updated guide to governmental and non-governmental proposals for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation.
English PDF 1.79 MB
Guidelines and eligibility criteria for REDD on biodiversity and on Indigenous Peoples and local communities
This paper by Pro Natura - Friends of the Earth Switzerland considers REDD and suggests guidelines as well as eligibility criteria with regard to biodiversity, indigenous peoples and local communities. For more information contact Friedrich Wulf at < >
English PDF 137.21 KB
Submitted: June 2009
Curso Introductorio sobre la Reducción de las Emisiones de la Deforestación y Degradación (REDD): Manual de Recursos del Participante
Spanish PDF 4.77 MB
Submitted: June 2009
Curso Introductorio sobre la Reducción de las Emisiones de la Deforestación y Degradación (REDD): Manual de Capacitación
Spanish PDF 2.81 MB
Submitted: May 2009
Introductory Course on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): A Participant Resource Manual
English PDF 2.31 MB
Submitted: May 2009
Introductory Course on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): A Training Manual
English PDF 1.90 MB
Submitted: April 2009
Methodology for Estimating Reductions of GHG Emissions from Mosaic Deforestation
The methodology is for estimating and monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of project activities that reduce mosaic deforestation. Carbon stock enhancement of degraded and secondary forests that would be deforested in absence of the RED project activity is also included in this methodology. The underlying conceptual approach of this methodology is based on drafts of the AFOLU Guidance Document of the Voluntary Carbon Standard. The methodologies is currently being used by a number of projects around the world, including the Madagascar Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor Project.
English PDF 1.36 MB
Submitted: March 2009
Comparing REDD mechanism design options with an open source economic model
This manuscript in review contains a full description of the OSIRIS model and research comparing a broad range of REDD reference level design options. This research finds that: REDD can be an effective and efficient source of emissions reductions; Extending REDD incentives to countries with historically low deforestation rates through higher-than-historical reference levels can prevent leakage to those countries, making the REDD mechanism more effective overall. This research is a product of the Collaborative Modeling Initiative on REDD Economics, a collaboration between Conservation International, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Woods Hole Research Center, the Terrestrial Carbon Group, and the University of East Anglia. For any questions on this manuscript, contact its lead author Jonah Busch: < > The analysis was generated with an economic model \"OSIRIS\", which is freely available on < >, enabling any interested party or individual to model the emissions reductions and financial implications of different REDD reference level options.
English PDF 877.64 KB
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD): An Options Assessment Report
A report prepared for the Government of Norway by the Meridian Institute assesses several important considerations for a future REDD mechanism under the UNFCCC, and strives to clarify and inform some of the critical choices that will need to be made about including REDD in a Copenhagen agreement. For more information and different language versions of the report, visit the REDD-OAR website.
English PDF 1.29 MB
Implications of REDD baseline methods for different country circumstances during an initial performance period
A paper submitted by Rane Cortez, on behalf of The Nature Conservancy. This paper compares the outcomes of seven proposed approaches to determine national baselines for measuring REDD (Compensated Reductions, Joint Research Center, Corridor Approach (V1 and V2), Combined Incentives, Stock-Flow, Terrestrial Carbon Group) as a function of country circumstances, using a retrospective analysis of FAO National Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) forest carbon emissions data. For more information contact Bronson Griscom, Forest Carbon Scientist, at: < >
English PDF 1.62 MB
Submitted: March 2009
Le Petit Livre Rouge du REDD
The Little REDD Book is a non-partisan guide to governmental and non-governmental proposals for REDD, published by the Global Canopy Programme (GCP). The book, which has been compiled in collaboration with the Prince's Rainforest Project and other key forest stakeholders, presents thirty-three REDD proposals in a simple, non-technical language. For more information on the Little REDD Book or on the GCP, contact Charlie Parker: < > The Little REDD Book has recently been updated and the third edition of the book is now available. Other language versions of the book in Bahasa Indonesia, French , Portuguese, Spanish and Mandarin are available at: < >
French PDF 1.50 MB
Submitted: February 2009
Do trees grow on money?: The implications of deforestation research for policies to promote REDD
English PDF 1.16 MB
Submitted: February 2009
¿Crecen los árboles sobre el dinero? Implicaciones de la investigación sobre deforestación en las medidas para promover la REDD
Spanish PDF 1.39 MB
Submitted: February 2009
木はお金で育つか? 「森林減少と森林劣化に由来する排出削減(REDD)」 に対する森林減少研究からの示唆
Japanese PDF 1.85 MB
Submitted: February 2009
Info Brief: Do trees grow on money?: The implications of deforestation research for policies to promote REDD
English PDF 438.23 KB
Submitted: February 2009
Info Brief: Measuring and monitoring forest degradation for REDD: Implications of country circumstances
English PDF 596.73 KB
Submitted: February 2009
Moving ahead with REDD: Issues, options and implications
English PDF 1.62 MB
Submitted: December 2008
The Little REDD Book Third Edition
The Little REDD Book is a non-partisan guide to governmental and non-governmental proposals for REDD, published by the Global Canopy Programme (GCP). The book, which has been compiled in collaboration with the Prince's Rainforest Project and other key forest stakeholders, presents thirty-three REDD proposals in a simple, non-technical language. For more information on the Little REDD Book or on the GCP, contact Charlie Parker: < > The Little REDD Book has recently been updated and the third edition of the book is now available. Other language versions of the book in Bahasa Indonesia, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Mandarin are available at: < >
English PDF 1.89 MB
Submitted: December 2008
Financing Mechanisms to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation: Issues in Design and Implementation
The OECD in Paris, France, under the auspices of the Annex I Expert Group (AIXG) on the UNFCCC, has elaborated the following three documents on REDD: -Financing Mechanisms to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation: Issues in Design and Implementation -Incentives to Reduce GHG Emissions from Deforestation: Lessons Learned from Costa Rica and Mexico -Initial Review of Policies and Incentives to Reduce GHG Emissions from Deforestation The OECD also convened a workshop on 26 March 2008 on Incentives to Capture the Carbon and Biodiversity for Reducing Deforestation: Linkages, Synergies and Limitations. Links to the workshop agenda, all presentations and the Chair's summary are available at: < >; For more information on the OECD work on REDD, contact Katia Karousakis at: < >
English PDF 535.60 KB
Submitted: December 2008
Initial Review of Policies and Incentives to Reduce GHG Emissions from Deforestation
The OECD in Paris, France, under the auspices of the Annex I Expert Group (AIXG) on the UNFCCC, has elaborated the following three documents on REDD: -Financing Mechanisms to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation: Issues in Design and Implementation -Incentives to Reduce GHG Emissions from Deforestation: Lessons Learned from Costa Rica and Mexico -Initial Review of Policies and Incentives to Reduce GHG Emissions from Deforestation The OECD also convened a workshop on 26 March 2008 on Incentives to Capture the Carbon and Biodiversity for Reducing Deforestation: Linkages, Synergies and Limitations. Links to the workshop agenda, all presentations and the Chair's summary are available at: < >; For more information on the OECD work on REDD, contact Katia Karousakis at: < >
English PDF 146.12 KB
Beyond REDD: the Role of Forests in Climate Change
Beginning in December 2007, The Forests Dialogue (TFD) has led a multi-stakeholder dialogue process focused on developing a clear, unified message and common set of principles illustrating the factors and conditions necessary to maximize forests and people’s ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The initiative has involved more than 275 diverse leaders representing all stakeholder groups from around the world. The group produced a comprehensive consensus Statement on Forests and Climate Change titled “Beyond REDD: the Role of Forests in Climate Change” that lays out 5 guiding principles and over 100 suggested actions for stakeholders including government climate negotiators. This document also includes 5 Briefing Notes. For more information on TFD’s Forest and Climate Initiative contact TFD’s Executive Director, Gary Dunning, at < >
English PDF 280.44 KB
Submitted: December 2008
Identifying optimal areas for REDD intervention: East Kalimantan, Indonesia as a case study
A paper by Nancy Harris, Silvia Petrova, Fred Stolle and Sandra Brown. On behalf of Winrock International, this paper was submitted by Nancy Harris. For more information, contact Nancy Harris at < >
English PDF 1.33 MB
A briefing paper on Rights, Equity, Development, Deforestation and Governance by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
This briefing paper was elaborated by the Task Force on REDD and Communities of the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy, in collaboration with the Global Forest Coalition, a worldwide coalition of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples' Organisations. The briefing note is a contribution to the debate about policies and incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). It focuses on the potential of governance of forests by indigenous peoples and local communities, and discusses implications of envisaged REDD regimes for local rights. Feedback on the briefing note is welcome and can be sent to Simone Lovera, co-coordinator of the Task Force, < >
English PDF 579.39 KB
Submitted: November 2008
Emissions and removals from land-use, land use change and forestry activities in a post-Kyoto regime - quantitative analysis of a framework for reducing deforestation
English, German PDF 2.27 MB
“Painting the forest REDD?” Prospects for mitigating climate change through reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation
A working paper submitted by Stefanie Engel and Charles Palmer from the Institute of Environmental Decisions at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. This paper was written on the basis of findings from a book that the authors recently co-edited, entitled: \'Avoided deforestation: Prospects for mitigating climate change\'.
English PDF 281.01 KB
Submitted: November 2008
The Juma Sustainable Development Reserve Project: Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation in the State of Amazonas, Brazil
The Amazonas Sustainable Foundation is a public-private, independent and non-profit, non-governmental institution of public interest and without political party connections. It was founded in December, 2007, by the Amazonas State Government and the Bradesco Bank, according to its bylaws, approved by the State Public Ministry, in the title recorded at civil registry, according to federal and state laws.
English PDF 6.08 MB
Submitted: November 2008
CCBA (Climate Community and Biodiversity Alliance) validation report
English PDF 580.52 KB
International Forest Carbon Initiative (IFCI)
The international community agreed in Bali that action must be taken now to address deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries and to establish the necessary systems and financial mechanisms to ensure long term emission reductions. The International Forest Carbon Initiative is Australia's contribution to this global effort. The International Forest Carbon Initiative is a key part of Australia\'s international leadership on reducing emissions from deforestation. The Initiative will support international efforts to reduce deforestation through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It aims to demonstrate that reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation can be part of an equitable and effective international agreement on climate change. A central element of the Initiative is its focus on developing practical demonstration activities in our region, particularly in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Australia has signed Forest Carbon Partnerships with both Indonesia and Papua New Guinea under the Initiative.
English DOC 27.50 KB
Submitted: October 2008
Monitoring and estimating tropical forest carbon stocks: making REDD a reality
A peer-reviewed paper submitted by Mr. John O. Niles, on behalf of the Tropical Forest Group, addresses the issues of monitoring and estimating tropical forest carbon stocks. The paper has tabular information with multiple estimates of total forest carbon stocks for many developing countries. The IPCC guidelines (Tier 1) are used for one of the models, but the authors also use other models.
English PDF 614.05 KB