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The Forests Dialogue (TFD)
Submissions made by the The Forests Dialogue (TFD)
Submitted: July 2013
REDD+ Benefit Sharing Dialogue United States 23-24 March 2013 - Washington D.C. United States Co-chair's Summary
English PDF 344.50 KB
Submitted: July 2013
REDD+ Benefit Sharing Dialogue United States 23-24 March 2013 - Washington D.C. United States Background Paper
English PDF 158.43 KB
Submitted: May 2010
TFD Review - Investing in REDD-plus - Consensus Recommendations on Frameworks for the Financing of REDD-plus
Over the year 2009, The Forest Dialogue (TFD) has held three international dialogues and one writing workshop on Financing REDD-plus, which engaged 100 leaders from different stakeholder groups. These stakeholders include indigenous peoples, family forest owners, industry, academics, IGOs, ENGOs, trade unions, social NGOs, forest industry, forest and carbon investors, retailers and government representatives. The TFD's dialogue initiative on Financing REDD-plus focused on the elements of a framework for REDD financing and implementation. The consensus reached during this initiative has led to 26 recommendations launched on October 1st, 2009, during the UNFCCC Climate Change Talks in Bangkok, Thailand. The recommendations were fed into the processes of the Informal Working Group on Interim Finance for REDD+ (IWG-IFR). A more extensive report on TFD’s initiative on investing in REDD-plus was published in June, 2010, which captures not only the 26 recommendations but also other key issues that have been discussed under this stream of dialogue.
English PDF 2.00 MB
Submitted: December 2009
Investing in REDD-plus, Executive summary of The Forest Dialogue consensus
English PDF 74.06 KB
Submitted: December 2009
Investing in REDD-plus, Consensus on frameworks for the financing and implementation of REDD-plus
English PDF 110.60 KB
Submitted: December 2009
Invirtiendo en REDD-plus, Resumen del Consenso del Diálogo Forestal
Spanish PDF 80.85 KB
Submitted: December 2009
Invirtiendo en REDD-plus, Consenso sobre marcos generales para el financiamiento e implementación de mecanismos de REDD-plus
English PDF 121.53 KB
Submitted: December 2009
Investir dans la REDD-plus, Résumé du consensus atteint par The Forest Dialogue
French PDF 75.73 KB
Submitted: December 2009
Investir dans la REDD-plus, Consensus sur les cadres de financement et de l'application de la REDD-plus
French PDF 120.92 KB
Submitted: July 2009
TFD Background paper
TFD is convening a series of multi-stakeholder dialogues to engage interested stakeholders in a constructive learning and discussion on the options available for the development of future REDD financial mechanisms. Through the dialogue, the participants will understand the various options for REDD financial mechanisms, identify the true fracture lines among stakeholders over the different REDD financial schemes, and begin to develop consensus based solutions to address the challenges to successful implementation. The first dialogue was held in New York City and it will be co-hosted by the UNFCCC Secretariat.
English PDF 208.86 KB
Submitted: July 2009
Co-chair's summary report
TFD is convening a series of multi-stakeholder dialogues to engage interested stakeholders in a constructive learning and discussion on the options available for the development of future REDD financial mechanisms. Through the dialogue, the participants will understand the various options for REDD financial mechanisms, identify the true fracture lines among stakeholders over the different REDD financial schemes, and begin to develop consensus based solutions to address the challenges to successful implementation. The first dialogue was held in New York City and it will be co-hosted by the UNFCCC Secretariat.
English PDF 136.65 KB
Co-chair's summary report
Built on the outcomes of the first dialogue, TFD continued the discussion on REDD finance in Montreux. Through a facilitated plenary and working group based process, the Montreux Dialogue aimed to apprehend the development on REDD financing on the Climate Change negotiation front, to integrate new developments into the discussion, to reinforce some of the points of consensus and to begin to bridge some of the points of disagreement that arose from the first TFD meeting in New York City. The dialogue is co-hosted by Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), supported by Intercooperation.
English PDF 219.51 KB
Beyond REDD: the Role of Forests in Climate Change
Beginning in December 2007, The Forests Dialogue (TFD) has led a multi-stakeholder dialogue process focused on developing a clear, unified message and common set of principles illustrating the factors and conditions necessary to maximize forests and people’s ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The initiative has involved more than 275 diverse leaders representing all stakeholder groups from around the world. The group produced a comprehensive consensus Statement on Forests and Climate Change titled “Beyond REDD: the Role of Forests in Climate Change” that lays out 5 guiding principles and over 100 suggested actions for stakeholders including government climate negotiators. This document also includes 5 Briefing Notes. For more information on TFD’s Forest and Climate Initiative contact TFD’s Executive Director, Gary Dunning, at < >
English PDF 280.44 KB